Here you will find a comprehensive list of the positions that need to be filled to run a successful race for the athletes. There are many technical as well a non-technical roles, so there is something for everyone!
Race assignment details and sign-up are managed via the TeamSnap Volunteer team. If you are not yet signed up or have any questions about the volunteering requirements, please contact volunteer@competitionedelweiss.com
It takes more than thirty people to run a safe and successful race. This section identifies these positions and provides a brief description of each. More detailed information about the responsibilities of officials and about planning and running a race can be found in the officials training manuals and reference document published on the ACA website.
Is the chairman of the Race Committee who is responsible for staffing and directing the work of all officials except the TD and the referee. He/she normally chairs the Team Captain’s meeting, in consultation with the TD, and deals with all technical aspects of the race. The Chief of Race is a member of the Jury.
Core Responsibilities:
Directs all preparation and supervises all activities related to the event.
Calls all meetings
Encourage and praise all your volunteers
In Advance of Event:
Coordinate with the hill: timing, snow conditions, etc
Check-in with the Race Administrator
Prepare and distribute race notice
Check past reports and notes on suggestions or comments
Verify the volunteer lists, make sure key positions are filled
Co-ordinate and establish expectations with Chief of Course
1 Week before Race Event:
Contact TD and Referee: provide brief report on conditions, entries, program and any issues or concerns
Verify volunteer list is full
Confirm with COC and the Hill: timing of chalet, lift opening, grooming
Remind RA of medals - coordinate podium set up and speaker system
Confirm with RA: entries, start lists, lift tickets, bibs and score board sheets
Confirm with first aid: medical plan, patroller on course and program
Confirm with COC: set up, maintenance, start hut or snow start and tear down
Verify with setter for night set: inform TD and ref of timing
Speak with Chief of Timing to ensure all timing is establish
Send out volunteer message: timing, commitment and program
Request list of forerunners by Friday at noon
Check in with start and finish referee
Day before Race:
Post volunteer list
Verify hill prep, night set, safety, safety, safety
Confirm with all chiefs and RA: issues or concerns
Day of Race Event:
Arrive early
Ensure TD and Referee receive Jury radio and lift tickets: confirm dedicated channel for radio
Ensure timing is synchronized
Lead Jury inspection:
Inspect safety of course: start, b-netting, crowd control, finish area, obstacles
Know setting requirements: #, distances and combinations
1st, last, delay gates and combinations have outside gates
Spot check gate panel installation
Number of gates and direction changes
Approve course with Jury, advise Start Referee
Establish radio protocol with Jury and Start and Finish referee:
racer down, start/stop and course hold
Determine jury positions on race course: i.e. Flats, coaches corner, pitch
Lead Captains meeting:
Introduce Jury, Chiefs. Reiterate schedule of event. Review medical plan, weather, inspection, setters, tear down plan, awards and location for ref report.
Verify sponsorship material is displayed properly
Coordinate with COC on course maintenance and course slipping
Determine intervals with jury, 40 sec top 15, 30 sec rest: Inform timing, COC and Start Ref
Start of race:
Verify that ski patrol is in place
Validate timing is ready to go
Course is dyed
Ensure with COC course crew and spare equipment is at the ready
Verify gate keepers are in place
Confirm all jury members are in position
Communicate “ready to start” to Start Referee
Start on time
During race:
Rules are followed
DNFs are reported
You lead resolution of delays and issues
Radio protocol is maintained
Course maintained from 1st to last racer
Timing has times for all racers
After the race:
Ensure referee report is posted, handle protests
Review results for accuracy: TD approves and signs
Thank Jury and Officials
Awards 30 min after, or after tear down, whichever is the later
Thank everyone, athletes, coaches, volunteers, hill and sponsors
Debrief with COC that hill has been swept and everything has been put away and the trailer is locked.
Has advisory control over pre-race and post-race operation and, together with the other members of the Jury, has complete control over the operation of the race itself. Along with the Jury, he/she has the final decision in all matters of safety and has the authority to cancel, postpone or annul the race if necessary. The TD is the representative of and appointed by the body that has responsibility for the race (i.e., SQA in the case of provincial events, OSZ-NCD in the case of local events.
Together, we can make sport safe for everyone.
Inspects the course immediately after it is set, alone or accompanied by members of the Jury and has the authority to change the course by taking out or adding gates. (The course setter must be informed of changes if he/she was not present during this inspection.); receives the reports of the gate judges, start and finish referees and other officials about any infractions of the rules and gate faults at the end of each run; immediately after each run, checks, signs and posts the “referee‟s report” identifying the competitors who were disqualified, The Referee is appointed by the TD from outside the host organization.
Appointed by the TD to assist the referee at speed events.
Directs and supervises the preparation and maintenance of the course, including the start and finish areas. He/she works with the course setters, supervises course maintenance during the race and directs post-race cleanup immediately following the event. He/she needs to know course preparation standards and techniques.
Ensure a fair Safe competition
Prior to race:
Liaise with Chief of Race to ensure expectations are met
COC directives are provided by the COR
Co-ordinate with ski hill management to confirm snow grooming, preparation and safety equipment installation.
Establish what netting and when extra netting should be installed. Coordinate with the last COC.
Ensure adequate race crew personnel are available for set up and race day and establish time frame for duties
Inspect and prepare all necessary equipment for race
Fencing, willy-bags, bamboo, bunting, etc
Drills, batteries, etc
Shovels, rakes, etc
Install all safety and crowd control fencing
Ensure start ramp is built and/or maintained
Prior to race start:
Meet with course crew:
Establish list of priorities and assign roles and schedule
Set up
Course setting
Course maintenance
Dye course and finish line
Side slipping duties (confirm start intervals with timing)
Provide necessary guidance and instructions
Ensure tools are distributed
Direct where spare equipment, gates and tools should be placed and spread out on course.
Assist course setter
Address issues and concerns of jury regarding fencing and set up
During race: (each run)
Establish course crew radio channel, different from Jury
Maintain radio communication with COR
Distribute course crew in appropriate locations:
On course, where necessary with equipment
At start
Side slippers
Ready to address issues on course
Dye pack ready if needed.
Coordinate tear down and equipment storage
After Race:
Ensure all equipment is properly and safely stored
Report any broken or defective equipment to Equipment Manager
Thank all volunteers
Final sweep
Lock the trailer
Organizes and supervises the work of the gate judges and designates the gates each will supervise; supplies each gate judge with control cards, pencil, start list, etc.; ensures that the numbering and the marking of the gates is done; collects the gate judges’ control cards at the end of each run and delivers them to the referee.
The Chief Gate Judge reports to the Chief of Race, and supervises the Gate Judges. The organizing committee is responsible for having a sufficient number of competent gate judges available. 6The organizing committee must inform the Jury of the number of gate judges available for training and particularly for the race. The organizing committee can request the assistance of the Chief Gate Judge in recruiting Gate Judges. The Chief of Gates communicates with the Gate Judges in advance of the competition to instruct the Gate Judges on the role of the Gate Judge, passage, and re-run. Before the race distribute to each Gate Judge:
Gate Judge cards
Gate Judge identification
clipboard with waterproof cover
The Start List can be helpful for the Gate Judges to identify bib numbers, as long as reliance on the start order alone is not replacing the visual identification of the bib number. Check that the Gate Judges fill out the front of the Gate Card with the correct race information. Number the gates, ensuring that no modification to the gate homologation occurs. Position each Gate Judge in a section and assign them gate numbers. Check that the Gate Judges fill out the front of the Gate Card with the correct run information. Report to the Chief of Race when all the Gate Judges are in position. If you do not have a radio, the Finish Referee can relay over the Jury channel. During the run, assist the Gate Judges as needed. At the end of each run, collect the Gate Judge cards to give to the Referee. Check that the Gate Judges fill out FAULTS yes or FAULTS no. If the Gate Judge has indicated FAULTS yes, check that a diagram clearly indicates the bib number, gate number and type of fault, as the Referee will require this information. Remind the Gate Judge that the Jury may request additional information. Position each Gate Judge for the next run if it is proceeding immediately
Observe the passage of each competitor through the gates they are assigned; decide whether the passage is correct; when a fault is observed, prepare a proper record of the fault (bib number, gate number, drawing); respond to competitors questions about whether they have committed a fault; make a record of any competitor who leave4s the course and requests a re-run. Gate judges may be asked to perform other duties such as the replacing/repairing poles or flags; helping keep the course clear, etc.
(Also called Chief of Timing and Calculations)
Supervises all electronic and manual timing and results calculations, plans and sets up all timing and communication systems, oversees the starter, timers, recorders, finish controller, announcers, spotters and others.
Operates the timing equipment and software and ensures that accurate start and finish times are recorded for every competitor; communication with the starter throughout the race.
Monitors jury communication for information about “start-stops,” competitors that abandon the course, etc.; observes the course and competitors to identify any irregularities that could affect the accuracy of the timing; and otherwise assists the timer.
Operate the stopwatch at the start and finish.
Ensures that the regulations for the start are followed; controls access to the course for inspections; determines late and false starts; manages the start process at the beginning and end of the run and during “Stop-Starts;” reports the names of the competitors who did not start to the referee. The start referee remains at the start from the beginning of the official inspection time until the end of the event. He/she is a non-voting member of the Jury.
The Start Referee is a Jury advisor, and:
is at the start from the beginning of Athlete Inspection until the end of the run
ensures reserve bibs (and forerunner bibs, if required) are available at the start
works with the Timing crew in the start: Starter, Assistant Starter, Start Hand Timer
prepares the forerunners, under instructions from the Jury
clears the start area for the Course Clear procedure
records the order that competitors start on the Start/Finish Referee worksheet
manages the start order, including delayed starts, re-runs
stops the start when required
informs the Jury of:
a competitor did not start in the listed start order
a false start
a violation leading to NPS
reports to the Referee at the end of the run
returns unused reserve (and forerunner) bibs promptly at the end of the race
Gives the correct start signal to each racer and, in collaboration with the timer, ensures the proper start interval between racers
Calls the competitors to the start in their correct order.
Located at the start and finish, records the time-of-day data for each start and finish from the stopwatch.
Supervision of the section between the last gate and the finish; monitors the proper crossing of the finish line; records the order of finishing of all racers who complete the course.
Ensure a fair Safe competition
Prior to race:
Liaise with Chief of Course to ensure expectations are met
COC directives are provided by the COR
All drills are ready, batteries charged, drill bits ready
All radios and spare batteries charged
Dye pack batteries charged
Mix dye pack (1 windshield wiper fluid, 1 water, +1/4 bottle of dye)
2 large dye packs should be prepared
Outdoor Lockers:
Gates and panels (if required) are identified
Rakes, shovels ready
Racing signs ready
Spare poly carb (for b-net ready)
Bamboo ready
Bunting boxes ready
Willy bags ready
Coral Netting box:
Coral netting ready
BNet Boxing:
Determine contents of B-Net boxes
Identify with the COC what the tear down procedure will be at the end of race and open require boxes
Prior to race start:
Be one of the first to arrive on site
Use a radio on course crew channel
Know the schedule of the day
Meet with Chief of Course: review what is needed to go up the hill with course crew.
Assist with handing out radios and drills
Assist with the creation of finish coral
Assist with Dye Packers
Ensure all equipment that goes up the chair is available beside the lift line.
Be available to provide information and location of equipment
During race: (each run)
Be available to provide information and location of equipment and ensure it is where it needs to be quickly
Requests of all sorts will come your way. Managing these requests efficiently is key.
After Race:
Ensure all equipment is properly and neatly stored in the proper place
Direct volunteers, parents, athletes and coaches where the equipment goes
Collect radios, drills, etc and store in Finish Pavilion and put on charge
Ensure all radios are on charge and turned off
Report any broken or defective equipment to Equipment Manager
Refill water jugs
Ensure garbage is taken out of the trailer.
Under the direction of the Chief of Course, replace/repair gate poles; repairs potholes, ruts; berns, and other conditions; sideslip the course;
Other tasks:
is at the finish from the beginning of Athlete Inspection until the end of the run
works with the Finish Hand Timer
clear the finish area for the Course Clear procedure
relays forerunner reports, under instructions from the Jury
records the order that competitors finish on the Start/Finish Referee worksheet
reports to the Referee at the end of the run
Responsible for all administrative work for the competition, including receipt of registration and preparing the draw; ensures that the official results contain the required information; prepares the minutes of technical, Jury and team captains’ meetings; ensures that the forms for start, finish, timing, calculations, and gate judging are prepared and distributed at the proper time; receives official protests and gives them to those who are concerned; and ensures that results are duplicated and published as quickly as possible after the completion of the competition.
Announces pre/post-race information and each competitor’s results as soon as they are available. Make other race related announcements as required and keeps everyone informed and, to the extent possible, entertained
Collects the bibs from each competitor immediately after they complete their last run for the event.
Provides food, desert, drinks, plates/cutlery for the potluck lunch the club offers to volunteers on race days
U10 Rep: Vanessa Hodge/Odette Legault
U12 Rep: Jen and Sean Whitaker
U14 Rep: Christine Timbers
U16 Rep: Meghan Leitch
U18 Rep: Katie O’Brien
Parent rep to check the Outaouais Zone website for race notices Officials’ Resources – Outaouais Ski Zone (skioutaouais.qc.ca) - scroll part way down to “Schedules and Results” to find the schedule and the race notices
Parent rep to send out a message (email) with the race notice on TeamSnap specific to the parents in the age group asking parents to let the parent rep know if their athlete will not be attending (typically by Wednesday before the race). It is assumed that athlete is attending if no response.
Communicates the race roster to the race coordinators as indicated in the race notices.
Race day:
Collect bibs and passes from race secretary, communicate meeting point through TeamSnap (chat) and distribute bibs and passes to athletes.
Ask parents to contact parent rep on TeamSnap (chat) if they are running late or will miss the race, so parent rep can communicate to the coaches
After the race, take or obtain a picture of the podium if any athlete from the club. Send the pictures and athlete highlights to the club’s social media coordinator.
Informs Finance@competitionedelweiss.com of racer participants, # of coaches, and scratches for each race.
Maintains a record on all race participants, coach participants and scratches for each race.
Distributes Audi tickets