Ski Quebec Alpin Registration
As the ski season approaches all of our athletes registered with Ski Quebec Alpin (SQA). The deadline to register and pay the SQA fees is Friday, November 15th.
SQA registration is a 3 step process:
Register your athlete(s) with SQA
The club then approves your registration
You then log in and pay the SQA fees.
Here is the link:
Detailed Instructions
Create or login to your family / primary parent account
Make sure that all of your athletes are listed in Membres de la Famille, but also parents for volunteer info!
Note: please do not create multiple accounts for athletes. This has caused considerable delay and confusion in the past.
Select "Adherer et payer" from the top menu:
Select "Adherer et payer" next your athlete(s) name:
For most athletes, leave the bottom text empty and simply click "Continuer:
Under Region SQA - select "Outaouais", click on Rechercher, then select "Ajouter l'adhesion" under 'Equipe de Competiton Edelweiss':
Select the corresponding U-level (U10, U12, U14...)
Submit your registration REQUEST
Wait 3-4 days. Once you've completed the above steps, we need to confirm that you are indeed an athlete of the club and accept you through their administrator's portal. If you are waiting longer than 5 days, please email me:
Once your athlete has been approved, then you must login again to your account to complete payment.
If you have any questions please contact
Registration Costs 2024/25
U10 $2,012.00
U12: $2,160.50
U14: $2,575.40
U16: $2,640.40
U18/FIS: Please contact us
Please note that these costs include registration fees, OSZ fees, regular training days, race fees including speedcamps, Audi raffle tickets.
We offer a deferred payment plan of multiple payments running from August to December (5%, 25%. 35%. 35%)
Seasons passes, club jackets, SQA registration fees, optional training, advanced training camps, Regroupement and other special events are extra.